District 1, Department of GA, The American Legion

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District Minutes

The American Legion, Department of Georgia, 1st District

E-Mail:  ga1stdistrictcmdr-08-08@usa.com


Minutes of 1st District Meeting, held 1 February 2009

Meeting hosted by Post 90, Statesboro, GA


Memorial Service: Service was called to order by District Commander Fitzgerald at 11:00 hrs, and the service was conducted by 1st District Chaplain Keith Fordham. After the service, the noon meal was blessed by the District Chaplain and served by the Legion Family of Post 90.


Joint Meeting: Cmdr Fitzgerald introduced the 1st District Auxiliary President Georgia Brooks who introduced Auxiliary VIP’s and 1st District Auxiliary Officers; Cmdr Fitzgerald also provided the same courtesy for SAL 1st District Commander Carl Hart. After the introduction of VIP’s and guests, Cmdr Fitzgerald excused the Auxiliary explaining now was the time for the commencement of the District Meeting.


1. Cmdr Fitzgerald opened the 1st District meeting at 13:15 hrs with appropriate ceremony.

2. Roll Call of 1st District Officers:  All District Officers present except for Sr. vice Cmdr Walker & Adjutant Rodefer (Excused– work). The following Posts had representation at this meeting:  27(1), 28(1), 36(1), 60(1), 90(80), 95(2), 103(3), 135(2), 164(2), 168(2), 188(3), 321(2), 322(1), & 500(9); the attendance of 16 out of the 20 assigned posts allowed for a quorum.

3. Cmdr Fitzgerald recognized the following guests:  NEC R. Hendrix, Dept of GA Jr. V/Cmdr J. Harmon, PDC AL Smith, and the past 1st District Commander in attendance.

4. AJ Schmitt made a motion to approved the Minutes of 2 Nov  08 District meeting held at Post 135  as distributed, motion was 2nd by Greg MacDougal and approved by membership present.

5. Financial Report submitted by FO Thornton; Starting Balance $7,319.31, membership reimbursement from Dept of GA = $2,844.00, expenses - $2790.25 leaving a balance of $9,373.06; motion to accept pending audit by G. Knapp and 2nd by BJ Clark and approved by membership present.

6. Cmdr Fitzgerald allowed R. Hendrix, A. Smith and J. Harmon to speak at this time as they just returned from the western side of the state due to attending the National Commander’s visitation to the Department.

    a. Ray Hendrix, NEC; stated that the department was well respected by the National Staff. Ray also mentioned that the Dept of GA’s Legion College is scheduled for June 5th, 6th & 7th, 2009, location to be determined. Ray also stated that he would not be seeking reelection as NEC, he stated it is time for fresh ideas to be brought forth.

    b. Al Smith, PDC; spoke about Boys State and its importance. This year program will be at GA Southern June 12th thru the 20th.

    c. Joe Harmon, Dept of GA J/V Cmdr; spoke about membership and he was appreciative of the support the district has provide to him. Also at this time Post 188 submitted a Resolution indorsing Joe Harmon as a Dept.  of GA J/Vice Commander for the 2009-2010 term; a motion was introduced by G. MacDougal to have the 1st District support the Resolution as read, 2nd by AJ Schmitt and approved by members present. Joe also reminded all of the upcoming Target Dates of 85% on 2/11, 90% on 3/11, 95% on 4/15 and 100% by May 10th.

7. Committee Reports:

    a. Speaking for S/V Cmdr Walker, Cmdr Fitzgerald reminded all to keep sending membership transmittals to department in a timely manner and not to sand bag them.

    b. J/V Cmdr Hall stated Post 28 in Statesboro was moving in a forward position; they turned in 2 members today. He stated that Post 188 is close to its target date. Post 108 & 116 are trying hard to increase their membership. And his own Post is well over their assigned goal with 107 members for 118.9%.

    c. J/V Cmdr Smart stated he has been in contact with his assigned posts, Post 209 is having a hard time due to age of their members, Post 135 is working on membership with the Post Commander heading up the program, His other three Posts 36, 154 & 322  have reached their target goals.

    d. J/V Cmdr Schmitt stated he assisted in activities with Post 164 and they are progressing, Post and his other Posts have reached or exceeded their goals.

    e. J/V Cmdr MacDougal spoke about the District Chili Cook Off in April; he also stated his assigned posts were trying hard to meet their goals. He also spoke about the status of Post 500 and that District Officers and members of the Post were working hard to keep the post operational.

    f. BJ Clark, Blood Committee – stated if a post has members who do donate blood, to please contact him so he can report onto department.

    g. Oratorical Committee: Al Jones reminded all about the upcoming District Contest.



    a. Cmdr Fitzgerald spoke cancellation of the Department Fall Conference.

    b. Cmdr Fitzgerald again reminded all Posts about the benefit of having a Post E-mail address.

    c. Cmdr Fitzgerald again reminded all posts about the High Importance to have the following: 1st – an operating Budget; 2nd - 990’s (the appropriate series) be filed as required; 3rd – that  posts be Incorporated with the GA SoS.

    d. Cmdr Fitzgerald mentioned the Dept Caravan, held the 16th & 17th of Jan 09. He thanked the Posts who participated and requested that those who did not to send in their completed Caravan Report.



    a. S@A Dillon made a motion that he be allowed to obtain new cases for the District Colors (Not to exceed $300), 2nd by BJ Clark and approved by members present.

    b. Cmdr Fitzgerald informed those present that the Spring Conference will be held at Lake Lanier Islands, NE of Atlanta on 13, 14 & 15 of Mar 09. He also explained that there were still numerous tickets for the Youth Banquet on Mar 14th.

    c. State Convention is scheduled for June 25th thru the 28th of June in Duluth, GA. Department Adjutant will be sending forth additional information.

    d. A Resolution by Post 160, & 5th District to support Charles Barrett for NEC for the 2009-2010 was read, after discussion this resolution will be resubmitted at the next district meeting.



    a. Commander Fitzgerald appointed the following Legionnaires as members of the Nominating Committee of 1st District Officers for the election coming before the membership at Mays meeting:  Chair – Scotty Nastorworthy, Adjutant of Post 103, Edwin Arita, Adjutant of Post 188 & Jerome Reese, Commander of Post 500.

    b. Commander Fitzgerald reminded all the importance of insuring that the Post Data Forms be properly complied and returned to Charlie Knox prior to the 15th of April.


10. Being no further business to come before the membership of the 1st District at this meeting, Cmdr Fitzgerald adjourned the meeting at 14:10 hrs with appropriate ceremony. The next scheduled 1st District is on 3 May 2009, at Tybee Island Post 90 with registration beginning at 10:30 hrs (Dist Officers Call at this time also), Memorial Service at 11:30 hrs, Noon Meal and Meeting starting at 13:00 hrs.


Duly submitted; Thomas Rodefer, 5 Feb 2009

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District 1, Department of Georgia, The American Legion
Dennis P. Fitzgerald, Public Relations Director